Newspaper Tidbits
Welland Tribune, 18/04/1884, page 4.
BARNET – In Crowland, April 4th, the wife of Lewis H. Barnet, of a son.
HAINES – At Port Robinson, on April 15, 1884, the wife of Mr. William Haines, of a daughter.
SOAPER – In Wainfleet, on the 1st inst., Mary Ann, wife of George Soaper, aged 38 years.
LITTLE – At Eau Claire, Wis., on April 11th, Richard the only surviving son of John Little, late of the Welland House, Thorold, aged 58 years. Also on March 28th his son, John C., aged 5 years and 8 months.
FELSTEAD – At Port Robinson, on Friday, April 11th, of angina pectoris, Mr. Joseph Felstead, aged 32 years. The funeral took place on Sunday, under the suspices of the I.O.O.F. brotherhood, and was very largely attended.
This was a suit brought by Wm. Everingham, of Crowland, against his father, James Everingham, to recover pay for board. Cowper and Kerr for plaintiff; Osler and Ingersoll for defendant, who also brought a counter claim. The case was settled by defendant willing the sum of $450.00 to plaintiff, payable on his (defendant’s) demise, together with other stipulations as to division of minor property. At the suggestion of counsel father and son shook hands over the settlement of their unhappy differences.
This was a land suit between Archibald Farr and O. P. Moore, and was expected to prove long and complicated. It was referred by consent to the county judge.
The trustees of school section No. 7 are repairing and painting the school house, and setting out trees. They expect some of the ratepayers to kick with both feet.
The other day while Mr. Marr was returning from the station with a load of goods, his horses took fright and ran away; upsetting the wagon and piling the horses up in a heap. There was a sudden downward tendency in groceries.
Last Saturday an old man by the name of James Putman, near Dunnville, committed suicide by shooting himself with a revolver. He put the weapon to his head, the ball going through his head. He was found in a room dead, with the weapon in his head. Cause said to be trouble.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Cook of Port Robinson have been in this vicinity visiting friends. PATSY.