The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. May 1826. Excerpts include marriages and death announcements, suicides, murders and missing persons.

The Farmers’ Journal and Welland Canal Intelligence Excerpts May 1826

The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol 1. No. 13.

St. Catharines, (U.C.) May 3, 1826. Page 2

On St. George’s day, a strong muster of the First Regiment Lincoln Militia, under the command of Capt. Servos, (in the absence of Col. Claus, and Lieut. Col. Leonard,) went through their regular training with great spirit and accuracy. After the parade the officers retired to Mr. Crysler’s tavern, where an excellent dinner, served up in his usual good style, soon solaced them for the fatigues of the day; Capt. Servos, as President, and Capt. Clark, as Vice President; by their gentlemanly deportment, aided by a good proportion of the “juice of the grape,” kept alive that conviviality and harmony, so desirable to be preserved on these occasions. – The evening was enlivened with suitable songs, and the company separated at an early hour with feelings of mutual kindness and good will. – Among the toasts drank were: ‘The King;’ ‘The British Navy;’ ‘Sir Peregrine Maitland;’ ‘The memory of General Brock;’ ‘The land we live in;’ ‘The Canadian’ Fair;’ ‘The Commercial prosperity of the Colonies;’ Civil and Religious Liberty, the world over; ‘ with many others equally appropriate. – Nia. Glean.

The Farmers' Journal First Regiment Lincoln Militia May 1826

page 3


In Queenston, on Thursday the 27th ult. by the Rev. R. W. Tunney, Chaplain to his Britannic Majesty’s Forces at Fort George, JOHN JOHNSON BROWN, Merchant, of Niagara, to Miss MARY SUSAN COLES, of the former place.


On the 14th ult. on Yonge-street, near York, Mr. JESSE KETCHUM, Sen. at the advanced age of 85.

On the 18th ult. Mr. WILLIAM ROBINSON, High Constable of the Home District.

In London, March 1, HORACE, third son of the Hon. Thomas Ridout.

At Pensacola, (Florida,) Sept. 3, 1825, G.F. BRENT, Esq. He was married to Miss Mercea A. Gonzalez, the object of his affection, on his death bed, a few hours before he expired, by the Rev. M. Meauhant, of the Catholick Churck of which he and the lady were members.

The Farmers' Journal Marriages and Deaths May 1826

The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol 1. No. 14.

St. Catharines, (U.C.) May 10, 1826. Page 2

Suicide. – Mr. Thomas Smith, a young man of genteel address, and moral conduct, aged about twenty-two years, Printer in the Advocate Office, drowned himself on Sunday 23d ult., about 11 o’clock, by jumping from off the railing of Angel’s bridge, into the river Don.

Previous to mounting the railing, he took off, in the presence of two boys, his coat, and put his pocket book and watch into his hat.

The unhappy youth was a native of England – the cause which led to this dreadful act, cannot be ascertained. Mr. Phair, with whom he boarded, informed us, that he was in good health, and proceeded from his house after breakfasting, in high spirits.

Verdict – Temporary insanity.

The Farmers' Journal Thomas Smith Suicide May 1826

page 3


In Grantham, on Thursday the 4th inst. by the Rev. Robert Addision, WILLIAM P. GILLBORNE, Esq. late of the Colombian Navy, to the amiable MISS HENRIETTA REEVELY, both of this town.

“It was in the month of sweet May -morn,”
&c. &c.


The Farmers' Journal Marriage May 1826

The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol 1. No. 15.

St. Catharines, (U.C.) 17 May 1826. Page 2

MURDER! -A man by the name of Gilbert was arrested on Sunday, and brought before the Police Magistrate, charged with the murder of Maria Gilbert, his wife. He offered to make confession to the officer, but his examination was deferred until Monday. A number of witnesses came forward and gave their testimony, the substance of which is as follows. Several weeks since the deceased came to the boarding house of Mrs. Wall, in Water street, near Catharine street. – The account she gave of herself was that she had ranaway from her husband, who was a painter, and lived in Troy. She had remained a considerable time with Mrs. Wall, when her husband arrived and came to see her, which he repeated frequently, never however, without a violent quarrel between them. It would appear that he was urging her to return to Troy, and that she refused to comply with his request. Within a few days their differences had become more serious. On Sunday he came to Mrs. W’s when several persons were there; his wife was sitting upon the lap of another man, when he looked in at the door and said, “Maria, come here.” She went into the passage to him; no words or altercation were heard; but a piercing scream from her immediately caused those in the room to rush into the passage, where Mrs. Gilbert was found lifeless upon the floor; the knife with which her husband had stabbed her, lay by her. Gilbert was walking to and fro in a wild and hurried manner. He said to those who addressed him: “I have killed her, and am willing to die for it.” The weapon had been well directed, as it pierced the heart of the deceased, and caused instantaneous death. It was a butcher knife, ground to a point and sharpened with an evident design to make its work effectual, as even the back had been ground to a very keen edge.- An inquest was to have been held on Monday morning; the verdict is not yet known. Mrs. Gilbert was a native of this city, aged about 30; she had been married five years, but had no children. All the witnesses agreed in a belief that Gilbert was perfectly sober, and in his senses when he committed this horrible act. – N.Y. Am.

The Farmers' Journal Murder part 1 Maria Gilbert May 1826
The Farmers' Journal Murder part 2 Maria Gilbert May 1826

Page 3


In this village, on Sunday the 14th inst., by the Rev. Rob’t Addison, Mr. JONATHAN P. RAYMOND, of this place to Mrs. CATHARINE HATHAWAY, a widow of the late Mr. H. of Youngstown, N.Y.


In Niagara, on the 8th inst. very suddenly, MRS. CRYSLER, wife of R.M. Crysler, Esq. Merchant, of that town, in the 21st year of her age.

The Farmers' Journal Marriage and Death Notices Raymond to Hathaway and Mrs. Crysler May 1826

Information Wanted.

LOT No. 13, in the Fifth Concession of the township of Gainsborough, Niagara district, U.C. having been claimed by several persons, to either of whom the subscriber is confident it does not belong; and being desirous to know who is the real Owner of said land, (having settled upon the same, and wishing to purchase, or at least to have the refusal of it,) takes this method of requesting the Owner to communicate with him on the subject, as soon as convenient. Any correct information, from any person, respecting the title of the above-mentioned Lot will be thankfully received.

Gainsboro’, May 10, 1826. 14tf

The Farmers' Journal Information Wanted Jeremiah C Martin May 1826

The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol 1. No. 16.

St. Catharines, (U.C.) 24 May 1826. Page 3

On Saturday last, (20th inst.) a daughter of Mr. Frederick Pickard, about five years old, was accidentally drowned in Mr. Service’s mill-pond, 4 mile creek. Our informant understood that the little unfortunate was not missed by the family, until discovered in the water, too late. The vital spark had fled.

The Farmers' Journal drowning daughter of Frederick Pickard May 1826

The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol 1. No. 17.

St. Catharines, (U.C.) 31 May 1826. Page 3

Fatal Accident. – Mr. JAMES DWYER, subcontractor on the Welland Canal, started his job, (sections No. 21 and 22,) near the foot of the mountain, with his wagon and horses, on Wednesday the 17th inst. for Queenston; but having a high-spirited horse in his team, which took sudden fright and ran at such a rate over a rough road as to separate the wagon-wheels, eh became entangled among the rigging, from which he was unable to extricate himself, until at length he was unfortunately dashed upon the ground with such violence as to cause his immediate death. Another person in company with Mr. Dwyer, was severely injured at the same time. It is believed, however, he will soon recover.

The Farmers' Journal Fatal Accident James Dwyer May 1826

Another. – On Wednesday the 24th inst. MICHAEL LAUGHLIN, a native of the county of Derry, Ireland, aged 28 years, while employed as a labourer, among many others, excavating one of the lock-pits at the foot of the mountain, on the late Mr. Dwyer’s job, Welland canal, near where some of his comrades were grubbing a large oak tree, was instantly crushed to death by its falling unexpectedly on them! It seems almost a miracle that no others were harmed in the least, although equally exposed to danger, with the hapless man who has thus met an untimely end.

We have the satisfaction to state, that a similar accident is not likely to occur hereafter, on this canal, as the whole line is now clear, or nearly so, from all obstructions of the kind.

The Farmers' Journal Another Fatal Accident Michael Laughlin  May 1826

Fatal Accident. – On Saturday last, two men attempting to bring a barrel of whiskey, and some other articles in a skiff, from this town to the mouth of the river Rouge, for the use of the hands employed at the new Steam-boat, and when nearly at the end of their journey a squall upset the boat. One of them, who could not swim, clung to the boat and was saved; but the other, a young man named Patrick Foley, who was an excellent swimmer, in attempting to swim to the shore, sunk with cramp or exhaustion when within a few yards of the land, and was drowned. Foley was a young man of excellent character, and has left a widow, an aged mother, and several other friends to lament his untimely departure from this vale of sorrows. – Can. Freem.

The Farmers' Journal Fatal Accident Patrick Foley drowned May 1826


At Oakland, on the 29th ult. Mr. DUNCAN MALCOM, of that place, to Miss JANE HERON, daughter of Mr. Andrew Heron, Editor of the Niagara Gleaner.

On the 11th inst. Mr. ISAAC WILLCOX to Miss ANNA MARTIN, both of Clinton.

David William Smith,
Has opened an Office in the Village of Saint Catharines, over the Store of J. Northrup, Esq., and assures those who intrust him with Business, that it shall receive prompt and faithful attention.
Every species of CONVEYANCING drawn on the shortest notice.
MAY 30, 1826. 17tf

The Farmers' Journal Married Duncan Malcom to Jane Heron and Isaac Willcox to Anna Martin. May 1826

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