Marriage – Ethel Irene Winn, 1938

Ethel Irene Winn married Maxwell Johnson on May 21, 1938, in Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, Canada. Ethel Irene Winn Marriage, 1938 Certificate of Marriage 028827 I hereby Certify that I solemnized the Marriage of: Bridegroom: Maxwell JohnsonBride: Ethel Irene WinnWitness: Florence I SimpsonAddress: 144 London Ave. NWitness: Edwin Robert FriedyAddress: 141 Victoria St. N, City Hamiltonin…

Frank Winn, World War I

Canada – World War I CEF Personnel Files for Frank Winn dated January 6, 1916. Signed in Tillsonburg, Ontario, Canada. Attestation PaperNo. 675057 Canadian Over-Seas Expeditionary Force. Questions to be put before Attestation. Declaration to be made by man on attestation. I, FRANK WINN, do solemnly declare that the above are answers made by me…