The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. April 1826. Excerpts include death announcements, accidents, and letters left at the post office.
The Farmers’ Journal and Welland Canal Intelligence Excerpts April 1826
The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol 1. No. 9.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) April 5, 1826. Page 2
FATAL ACCIDENT. – On Friday the 31st ult. while a party of workmen were engaged in getting out timber for the locks of the Welland canal, in the township of Thorold, one of the men, Mr. William Hinckle, losing his presence of mind, as is supposed, after chopping a small tree nearly off at the stump, ran precisely in the direction it was falling, and, consequently, was instantly crushed to death beneath its weight, in presence of a dozen persons, some of whom repeatedly warned him of his danger, but without effect. It is understood that he was a native Canadian Frenchman, from Laprairie, and about 30 years old.

The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol 1. No. 11.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) April 19, 1826. Page 3
Sudden Death of a Soldier. – On Monday the 3d instant, a private of the 76th regiment stationed at Niagara, named Hutcheson, who was butcher to the troops, was in the act of splitting a calf, which he had just killed. He held the knife in his left hand, and missing the stroke, struck the blade deeply into the thick of his thigh. – He survived only about ten minutes, and expired as they were conveying him to the hospital. – Ib.
The Line of Packet Boats between Schenectady and Buffalo, will be run the ensuing season by the Utica and Schenectady Packet Boat company, and the Erie canal Packet Boat company, in connexion.
TWO LINES will be run between Utica and Schenectady.
The MORNING LINE will leave Schenectady at 11 o’clock, A.M. and Utica at 8 o’clock, A.M.
The EVENING LINE will leave Schenectady at 7 o’clock, A.M. and Utica on the arrival of the Western Packet Boats, at about 8 o’clock P.M. – all running through in twenty-four hours.
ONE LINE will be run between Utica and Buffalo, leaving Utica at Evening, on the arrival of the Eastern Packet Boats, at about 7 o’clock, P.M. and Buffalo at 8 o’clock, A.M. – running thro’ in 72 hours.
WILL be always in readiness to receive and convey PASSENGERS between Schenectady and Albany or Troy, on the arrival of the Packet & STEAM-BOATS at those places respectively – and ALSO at such points on the canal as may accommodate Passengers passing to and from the principal villages situated not far distant off the line of it. Utica, March 25, 1826.
Remaining in the Post-office at St. Catharines, April 5, 1826.
John Beam,
John Buchbar,
Peter Buchbar,
Joseph Dibble, 3
Peter Crow,
Asabah Hagar,
John B. Connelly,
E.P. Kinsley,
John Hartwell,
Michael Crow,
Abraham Bennet,
George Campbell,
Ebenezer Cavers,
John M’Dade,
Trevor Murray,
Mr. Thato,
John Shepherd,
Saring Brown,
James M’Way,
Christian Martin,
Daniel Beamer,
John Fletcher,
Doct. J. Lindon,
James Smith.
George Bloakstalk,
Edward Bready,
Alexander Grengby,
Jacob Crow,
Edward Hilton,
John Heatherton,
Newe’b S. Ketchum,
William Hartwell,
John Harris [lip.
Mr. Smith, son of Phi-
Samuel Anable,
Jacob Brookfield,
Cornelius Read,
Peter Moffott,
Patrick M’Linchy,
C. Ray,
Andrew Marlin,
Calvin S. Kellsy,
St. George’s Lodge,
James Dunlap,
William Kennedy,
Jacob Stull,
Merritt Martin,
The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol 1. No. 12.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) April 26, 1826. Page 3
In this village, on Tuesday evening, 25th inst. Mrs. MARY CHACE, wife of William C. Chace, Merchant, and only daughter of Mr. Theos. Brundage, of Grantham, in the 22d year of her age.
Mrs. C. manifested an uncommon degree of composure, and resignation to the will of Providence, during her illness, and finally departed this life in the pleasing hope of a joyful immortality beyond the grave; leaving an affectionate husband and tender parents, an infant child and a numerous circle of friends, to lament her loss. Seldom does it fall to our lot to record the decease of one more amiable, or more generally esteemed by all who knew her, than she who has just gone, in the morning of her days, to “that bourne, from whence no traveller e’er returns.”
The Funeral will take place to-morrow, [Thursday,] at 1 o’clock, P.M., at which all friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.
CLOVE CAKE. – Three pounds of flour, one of butter, and of sugar, three eggs, two spoonfuls of cloves – mix it with molasses.