The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. February 1826. Excerpts include birth, marriage, death announcements, elopements and letters left at the post office.

The Farmers’ Journal and Welland Canal Intelligence Excerpts February 1826

The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol. 1. No. 1.

St. Catharines, U.C. February 1, 1826. Page 3


In this village, on the 30th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Eastman, Mr. William Shaver to Miss Elizabeth Wintermuit, both of this town.

The Farmers Journal Vol 1 No 1 Page 3 Marriage


Remaining in the Post-Office at St. Catharines, January 5, 1826.

Strattan Kowel, William Rose, Jacob Moyer, Samuel Spier, John Vandebargh, George Young, Rob’t Widdes, James May, Merritt Martin, Asa Northam, John Hainor, Mrs. Mary Doan, Heirs of James Clendenan, Master Clendenan, 2, John Brunell, Theo’s. Brundage, George Campbell, John P. Ball, Jacob Brookfield, John Taylor, Jun. Henry Pawling, Joshua Fletcher, James Tinlin, Walter Flechurd, Bathus Haggestrasser, Daniel Lowe, Caesar M’Leod, William Kennedy, Marshall Lewis, Daniel Lowes, Thomas Irwine, Jesse Jones, Thomas Hodgens, 2, John Gray, Esq.

The Farmers Journal Vol 1 No 1 Page 3 List of Letters


“Oh, Matrimony! thou art like
To Jeremiah’s figs –
The good are very good indeed,
The bad, too sour for pigs.”

WHEREAS my wife NANCY has, without any just cause or provocation, left my bed and board, and taken with her the “long holland law.” – This is, therefore, to forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. BENJ. VANNATTER, Grantham, Dec 2. 1825.

The Farmers Journal Vol 1 No 1 Page 3 Elopement

The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol 1. No. 2.

St. Catharines, U.C. February 15, 1826. Page 3


In York, on Saturday the 28th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Harris, MR. PETER DUFFEY, to MISS JEMIMA KEIGHTON, both of Trafalgar.

In York, on Sunday the 5th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Harris, Mr. JOHN HARTMAN, Printer, formerly of Niagara, to Miss MARY O’HARA, of York.

The Farmers' Journal Vol 1 No 2 Marriage Mr Peter Duffey to Miss Jemima Keighton 1826


Suddenly, in this village, on Friday last, MARIA, daughter of Dr. Chauncey Beadle, aged 14 months.

The Farmers' Journal Vol 1 No 2 Death Maria Beadle 1826

In Queenston, very suddenly, on Tuesday morning the 31st ult. Mrs. WILHELMINA DENHAM, wife of Francis Hall, Esq. Civil Engineer, of that place, aged about 31 years. Mrs. H. was in good health on retiring to bed the evening previous, but before the dawn of day she was no more! Truly “In the midst of life we are in death.”

The Farmers' Journal Vol 1 No 2 Death Wilhelmina Denham 1826

The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol 1. No. 3.

St. Catharines, U.C. February 22, 1826. Page 3


In Quebec, on Sunday the 30th ult. THOMAS TORRANCE, Esq. Merchant, of Montreal.

In Niagara, suddenly, on the 14th inst. Mrs. Catherine, wife of Mr. George Winterbottom.

The Farmers' Journal Deaths Thomas Torrance and Catherine Winterbottom 1826

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