Newspaper Tidbits

WELLAND TRIBUNE, P 4, 02/12/1898

Rev. C. Draper of Toronto occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church last Sabbath evening.

Seven different styles cutters, one and two seats; also two and three bench heavy-bobsleighs, steel or cast shoes; fine line of harness, robes, rugs, blankets and bells at close prices for cash, or time given to purchaser. Remember when you deal with Weiss your notes are not sent away. You buy here and pay here, at John Weiss’ Implement Halls, Stevensville.

Mrs. Viges has placed in her house one of the Doherty manufacturing company’s Sarnia furnaces, called the “20 Faultless”. It is a small convenient furnace, yet sends forth a powerful heat, equivalent to the largest furnace. In fact it is pronounced the best furnace made. It is certainly a wonder and will heat the largest house from cellar to garret. Everybody invited to call and see.

Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley Winger of California were the guests of Mrs. H. Johnson the past week. Mrs. Winger is a sister of Mrs. Johnson’s, her maiden name being Alice Haynes, formerly of this place, but owing to ill health some eight years ago, was advised to seek a warmer climate which she did, and received great benefit. A few years later she was married to J.W. Winger of California who owns a fine fruit ranch of all kinds of tropical fruits, and has also a large vinegar establishment. Mr. and Mrs. Winger will remain here for a year visiting among friends, if health permits.



The public meeting to consider the distribution of the township school fund, in the town hall on Wednesday evening, was fairly well attended. Dr. Emmett occupied the chair.

After discussion, a resolution was unanimously passed in favour of keeping the invested school fund of the township intact.

A resolution was also passed with slight opposition, condemning the present method of distributing the interest derived from the township school fund according to acreage of sections.

The alternatives discussed were: Distribution of the fund (1) according to assessment; (2) school expenditure; (3) population; or (4) school attendance. As to these as a substitute for the present system, there were differences of opinion, and no pronouncement was made. The majority of the meeting, however, seemed agreed that any of the alternatives stated would be an approvement on the present acreage system.


C.R. Fegan and family are moving into the village this week.

Miss Nellie Bessy of Dunnville is visiting friends here this week.

The new bakery will be in full blast next week, weather being favourable.

Our village was well represented at Guy Bros. minstrel show in Welland last week.

“The Gleaners,” the Royal Templar Evangelists, are holding forth in Neff’s hall this week.

John P. Eastman is erecting a new barn in the property recently purchased from ? Beckett.

Why not use the best? “Our winner” brand 25c tea is the best ; try it. A.L. ?attison & Son.

We are pleased to note that Miss Mabel ??are, who has been seriously ill of typhoid fever, is convalescing.

Petty thieving is carried on to quite an ??ten in our village; the merchants being the heaviest losers. The guilty parties are being watched, and will find themselves….

B.S. Depotty and wife are visiting friends in Brantford and Berlin for a few days.

Harold Eagle is attending an executive meeting of the butter and cheese association at Brantford this week.

Fred Lint talks of putting in a chopper starting an ashery, selling silverware, tire lighters, books, &c &c.

W.W. Brown attended an executive meeting of the cheese and butter makers’ association at London last week.

Mrs. Bean will conduct services in the Evangelist church next Sunday morning and will probably continue them during the winter.

The Christmas tree at the U.B. church will be held on Christmas Eve, and if practising counts it will surpass anything ever held before.

A gass well is being put down on Martin Dolan’s farm, one mile east of here, which will be utilized for Dunnville. If a gusher is struck, a number of wells will be drilled.

We understand that our genial postmaster, Mr. Sundy, has lately received word that his salary has been increased. May the same be frequently done – yes – and under a Grit Government.

The singing convention announced some time ago to be held in the U.B. Church, Dilts Road, in holiday week, has been postponed, until January 10th to 13th. Please bear this in mind and attend, and have a jolly good time.

A patent gate has been erected at the residence of Hiram Brown and B.W. Brown, which is the first of the kind erected in Ontario. Anyone who wishes one of these gates can have same erected by applying or calling on W.W. Brown, who has patent right for Ontario.

We regret this week to chronicle the death of Philander Michener, who has been ill for a long time of consumption. He was a kind husband and father and a good neighbour, and his loss will be keenly felt. He was 34 years of age and leaves a wife and a child four years old; besides a number of brothers and one sister, with a host of friends, to mourn his loss. Funeral services were preached in Presbyterian church, Dunnville, and burial at Dunnville cemetery. He was insured in the A. O. U. W. for $2000. The Workmen turned out in full course and attended to the burying of the body.



London, Nov. 30. There was a full attendance at the auction wool sales to day. A good selection of merinos show a hardening tendency. The continental and home buyers are making good purchases. A large supply of cross breeds of a somewhat poor condition rule weak.


Mr. Eben James, Toronto, received the following cablegram on Wednesday from Mesers. Woodall, Liverpool: Fourteen thousand seven hundred barrels sold. The market is showing great activity and prices hardening. Baldwins, 17s 6d to 21 s 6d; Greenings, 17s to 21 s; Kings, 22s to 26s; Russets, 18s to 20s; Spys, 18s 6d to 22s 6d; seconds, 3 pieces.


Wheat. Exporters have dropped bids for red and white wheat, north and west, to 67c. This is due to firmer freight rates and easier cables. There were sales at 67c today.

Receipts of dressed fibre very free today, but prices seem to be well maintained for desirable weights. Western hogs were sold, on track today, car lots, at $5.30 to $6.40; and northern at $5.40 to $5.45 and one of two exceptional cases at $6.50.

Market here for hides is a little weaker, and there has been some further talk of a drop in …out so far there is no change. Skins, wool, and tallow dull. Dealers here quote as follows:

Hides, Choice pieces, 8c, No 1 salve, etc. …Cured well at to advance on f??going.

Lambekins and sheep pelts – The, and for choice, 50c.

Mantles – 11only – Misses and Women’s (small size) black and colored Beaver cloth coats, box front, high collar & large buttons, regular $6.50, to clear at 2.35.
17 only – Women’s black and colored Beaver and Boucle cloth coats, Russian style, regular $7.50 to $10, to clear at 2.95.

McLAREN & CO., 19 and 21 St. Paul St., ST. CATHARINES, ONT.

Wool – Unwashed, 10c ; fleece, 15c, for small lots, delivered ‘ pulled, 18 ½cf for supers, and 20 to 21c for extras.

Tallow – Local dealers buy barrel tallow at 3c to 3 1/2c for rendered, and resell at 2 1/2c to 3 ½c.

Seeds – The deliveries are moderate, there is a fair demand for choice samples for export, but low grade, of which there is a good deal, especially of red clover, offering is slow. We quote $3 to $4.50 for red clover and $2.50 to $4.50 for alsike.

Wool – There is more inquiry from the home mills for wool, but the market is generally dull.

Fleece – The demand is small and the situation is practically unchanged from last week, a car of fleece sold to a western mill this week at 15 1/2 c. Local dealers quote 15c for lots delivered here.

Pulled Wools – Are quiet ; a lot of superb sold to a Canadian mill this week at 18c. Extra is quoted at 20c to 21c.


Wheat – 66c to 67c.
Oats – 26c.
Red Clover – $4.
Alsike – $4.
Rye – 45c.
Peas – 55c.
Corn – 40c.
Middlings – $16.
Bran – $13.


COUNTY COUNCIL DISTRICT NO 3. – ALL Liberale in this district are urgently requested to meet at Humberstone Township Hall, Humberstone Village, on Friday, Dec 9th at 2 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of considering matters in connection with the coming Country Council elections. A large attendance of all interested is requested..
(Sdg.) E. FURRY, Pres.

LOWN – In Bertie, Nov. 24, 1898, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lown, a daughter.
BARNETT – At Niagara Falls South, on Tuesday, Nov. 29, 1898, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Barnett, a daughter.

WEBBER – At Niagara Falls Centre, on Saturday, Nov. 26, 1898, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webber, a daughter.


SCOTT – HOOD – On Nov. 8th, at the Methodist parsonage, Niagara Falls South, by Rev. J.C. Stevenson, Miss Ada Louise Hood of Knowlesville, N.Y. to Mr. Harry M. Scott of Dubogue, Iowa, US.

KIRKLEY – MCNALLY – On Nov. 28th at the Lundy’s Lane Methodist church, by Rev. J.C. Stevenson, Miss Elizabeth McNally of Niagara Falls South, to Mr. John Kirkley of Stamford Township.


WEBBER – At Niagara Falls, Ont., on Saturday, Nov. 26, 1898, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webber.

SCACE – In Brantford, on Sunday, Nov. 27th, 1898, George Henry Johnston, youngest son of Geo. E. and Mary Scace, aged 2 years and 8 months.

DURK – In South Pelham, Nov. 30, 1898, Hannah M., relict of late John Durk, aged 70 years, 2 months and 9 days.

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