The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligencer. Excerpts from October 1826. The excerpts include marriages and deaths and lists of letters left at the Post Office.

The Farmers’ Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer Excerpts August 1826

The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligencer. Vol 1. No. 35.

St. Catharines, (U.C.) October 4, 1826. Page 3

JOSEPH COULSON, an intemperate labouring man, who has, for many years past, resided in and about this village, was found dead in the lime-house attached to the saltworks, on the 12 mile creek, about eleven o’clock on Sunday morning last. A coroner’s inquest was held over the body in the afternoon. It appeared that he had been perfectly sober all the morning, and in usual health, at least, till within a very short time previous to his death. He was found lying across a board, with his face in a small puddle, and one hand in his pantaloous pocket, without any apparent injury. Verdict of the jury – Died by the Visitation of God.

The Farmers' Journal Joseph Coulson death 1826 October

The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligencer. Vol 1. No. 36.

St. Catharines, (U.C.) October 11, 1826. Page 3


In Canandaigua, on the 13th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Hecox, John A. Stevens, Esq. Editor of the Ontario Messenger, to Miss Amelia Ackley, of Montreal.

At Liverpool, Capt. Pike, of the United States, to Jane, eldest daughter of Capt. Adam Bird, of the former place.


At Cornwall U.C. on the 26th ult. after a lingering illness, Mrs. Margaret Munro, wife of G.C. Wood, Esq. aged 32.

At Sandwich, U.C. on the 5th ult. of a bilious fever, aged 16 years, Alexander, son of James Woods, Esq. Barrister.

At Montreal, L.C. on the 22d ult. aged 22 years, JANE, daughter of James Buchanan, H.M. Consul at New-York.

The Farmers' Journal Married Died 1826 October

Remaining in the Post-Office at St. Catharines, U.C. on the 5th of October, 1826.

Robert Bell,Henry Kutzeback,
Joshua Bebee,W.J. Kerr,
Joseph W. Butler,Edward Keating,
Thomas Brockill,Robert Longstaff,
Nathaniel C. Briggs,Hebron Leake, S.
William Beattie,Robert Miller,
Benjamin Bell,James M’Mollen,
Silas Benjamin, 2.Stephen Millard,
Joseph Cutler,Daniel M’Donald,
Daniel Corbits,Asahel Mather,
Joseph Clement,Thomas M’Cleland,
Mrs. Betsey Clark,Charles Maleepieu,
Barnabas Casterline,John Macort,
John Cumming,Richard Nichols,
Jeremiah Cole,Peter Nare,
Daniel Collins,Asher P. Osburn,
Daniel Daniels,William Powers,
Henry Disher,Daniel Palmer,
Phineas H. Danforth,Christopher Quaid,
Rufus Davis,Miss Betsey Quixote,
Leicester Dady,Andrew Rowley,
William R. Dunn,Thorret Rose,
John Fitzpatrick,David Wm. Smith,
Samuel Freeman,James H. Smith,
Henry Free,John Scott,
Walter Fletcher,Margaret Scram,
Archibald Finn,Samuel Shaw,
William Graham,William Serchel,
Edward C. Griffin,David Simpson, 2.
Thomas Glassford,John Soper,
John Galvin,Frederick Schram,
Robert Garvin,David Simpson & Co
Thomas Gibson,John Tenbroeck,
John Gormley,Samuel Thomas,
Joseph Hunter,Wm. Westover, sen.
William Hogan,Elam Whplate,
Col. Silvius Hoard,Elisa Whitcomb,
William Hutt,Daniel Wandel.
Hugh Hall,
Henry Hendrickson,
B.G.D. Herrick,
Jesse Jones,
Henry Johnson.


The Farmers' Journal List of Letters at Post office 1826 October

The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligencer. Vol 1. No. 37.

St. Catharines, (U.C.) October 18, 1826. Page 3

We understand that Government has purchased of Mr. Michael Heney a farm, which is situate on the East end of the highest ridge of land between the two lakes, having a precipice on two, or perhaps, three sides. This, we understand, is intended to be fortified as a depot for military stores. It is situated at about an equal distance between the two lakes – 8 miles from the great Falls, and nearly 20 from this town.

It is said that Government intends , besides the above, to fit up Burlington heights and Fort Mississauga for the purpose of depositing munitions of war in case of need. – Niagara Glean.

The Farmers' Journal Michael Heney 1826 October


In the township of Grantham, on Sunday last, Miss SARAH SECORD, aged 17, daughter of Mr. Abraham Secord.

At York, on the 20th ult. Mrs. ____ SMITH, wife of the Hon. Samuel Smith, aged 48.

At York, on the 23d ult. Harriet, daughter of the Hon. Col. Wells.

The Farmers' Journal Deaths Sarah Secord, Mrs Smith Harriet Wells 1826 October

The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligencer. Vol 1. No. 38.

St. Catharines, (U.C.) October 25, 1826. Page 3

It is our painful duty this week to record the death of an amiable and worthy young man – Mr. JOHN S. THOMAS, Merchant, of this village, who committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor, on Thursday morning, October 26, and expired a few minutes afterwards. He had, it appears, shown strong symptoms of mental derangement a day or two before, so much so, that his shop was closed, and one of his friends lodged with him the night previous, for the purpose of preventing an unpleasant occurrence. In the morning they rose, when he left Mr. T. alone, a few minutes; on returning, behold! the fatal deed was done, and the soul of the unfortunate man had winged its flight into the presence of its Maker! The direct cause of his unsettled state of mind, we believe, is not known.

The Farmers' Journal Suicide John S Thomas 1826 October


At Lewiston, N.Y. by C. Hotchkiss, Esq. on Tuesday the 16th inst. Mr. EDWARD VANDERLIP, of Grantham, to Miss ELEANOR TENBROECK, daughter of John Tenbroeck, Esq. of Long Point.

In Grantham, on Thursday last, 19th inst. Mr. ISAAC LACEY to Miss MARIA LARAWAY.

In Niagara, on Thursday, 19th inst. Mr. GARDNER THOMPSON to Miss ELIZA M’LINNAN.

The Farmers' Journal Marriages 1826 October


In Grantham, on Sunday last, 22d inst. Mr. ELKANAH MANN, aged 40 years.

On the 20th inst. the Hon. SAMUEL SMITH, one of His Majesty’s Executive Council, and late President of Upper Canada.

On Sunday morning, the 9th inst. after a long and painful illness, which he supported with the most Christian fortitude and resignation, the Honourable Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Pierre Joseph Tashereau, a member of the Legislative Council of this Province, and Grand Voyer of this District. In this gentleman his family have to deplore the loss of an excellent relative, his acquaintance a warm-hearted and steady friend, and the country an active and indefatigable officer. Lieut. Col. Tashereau commanded throughout the late war with the U.S. a battalion of the militia embodied for the defence of the Province, and on that service considerably impaired his private fortune, in engaging at his own expense men during the war, who according to law were not liable to serve that period. – Quebec Gaz.

At Quebec, on the 9th inst. aged 32 years, Mrs. Catherine Nixon, wife of Mr. John C. Nixon, Brass Founder, of that city.

At Gananoque, on Saturday morning, after a severe illness, Charles McDonald, Esq. a native of Scotland, aged 42 years.

The Farmers' Journal Deaths 1826 October

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