The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. August 1826. Excerpts include marriages and deaths.
The Farmers’ Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer Excerpts August 1826
The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligencer. Vol 1. No. 26.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) August 2, 1826. Page 3
Thomas Moore, of Bertie, U.C. informs us that his crop of Indian Corn this year, will probably be as good as at any former time. He soaked it in saltpetre, planted early, and kept free from weeds. One great reason of the inferior appearance of the corn the present year, is the slovenly manner in which the hoe is used, if it be used at all. – Black Rock Gaz.
Drowned, at Jamestown, Chautauque co. a son of John Pickard, aged seven years.
In Grantham, on Tuesday evening last, Mr. SAMUEL LEIGHTON, aged 38 years.
The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligencer. Vol 1. No. 27.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) August 9, 1826. Page 3.
The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligencer. Vol 1. No. 28.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) August 16, 1826. Page 3.
In Whitby, U. C. on the 29th of May, an old woman aged 79 and a boy aged 9 years, lost themselves in the woods, and were not found till the 7th day, although about 400 men searched for them. The old lady was completely exhausted, the little fellow as however able to dig roots to keep them alive. They had wandered only 12 miles distant from home.
On Tuesday last, Mr. WILLIAM SMITH, to Miss MARGARET HAINER, both of Louth.
On the same day, Mr. ELIAS SHIPMAN, of Grantham, to Miss SOPHIA COLES, of this village.
In this village, on Sunday last, Mrs. ____ Ferguson, in the 19th year of her age.
In this village, on Sunday last, a daughter of Mrs. Wright, widow of the late Rev. Mr. Wright, of Stamford, aged 3 years.
In Louth, on Monday last, Mr. Christian Knauff, formerly of Albany, N.Y.
In Grantham, on Monday last, Mr. Geo. Farr, of Port Dalhousie, aged 35 years.
In Louth, on Sunday last, Mr. James Ousterhout.
On the canal, on Thursday last, Mr. John Vickery, an Englishman, aged 40 years.
The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligencer. Vol 1. No. 29.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) August 23, 1826. Page 3.
In Thorold, on the 17th inst. after a lingering illness, of the typhus fever, JOHN, son of John and Margaret Hoover.
In the same township on the 20th inst. EVELINE, daughter of William and Nancy Johnson.
The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligencer. Vol 1. No. 30.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) August 30, 1826. Page 3.
In Lewiston, on the 19th inst. by Wm. Hotchkiss, Esq. Mr. JOTHAM BLISS to Miss MERCY SMITH, all of that place.
In this village, on Thursday the 24th inst. Mrs. HANNAH LAWRENCE, wife of Mr. Jonathan Lawrence, in the 76th year of her age. The consolations of that Religion which Mrs. Lawrence had embraced in early life, shone with peculiar lustre in the hour of dissolution. So uninterrupted was her peace, in hopes of future blessedness, that it might with the strictest propriety be said –
Not a cloud did arise to darken her skies,
Or hide, for a moment, her Lord from her eyes. [COM.]
In Lyons, N.Y. Mr. HIRAM T. DAY, aged 29, late Editor of the Advertiser.
In Auburn, N.Y. on the 30th ult. Major WILLIAM RAY, aged 54 years. His funeral was very numerously and respectably attended: Sermon by Rev. Mr. Rudd, from Rev.xiv, 13, at the Episcopal Church, of which he had long been a member. Major Ray was born in Litchfield, Conn. December 9, 1771. He was a child of song from his earliest years, and from the age of ten to nearly the last hours of his existence, has been in the habit of furnishing the moral and instructing effusions of his pen to the American press; but as a necessary concomitant with genius, he was the man of sorrow and misfortune, often having to contend with “Poverty’s unconquerable bar.”