The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. September 1826. Excerpts include marriage and death announcements, names of those who received money for land used for the Welland Canal and Assizes in Niagara.
The Farmers’ Journal and Welland Canal Intelligencer Excerpts September 1826
The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligencer. Vol 1. No. 31.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) 6 September 1826.
From the New-York Spectator, Aug. 25.
A low contagious fever which had prevailed in Dublin for two months, had lately had a very considerable increase. Its general prevalence is attributed to the filthiness of the city.
St. Catharines, Sept. 6, 1826.
DURING the progress of the Arbitration which has been pending between the Welland Canal Company, and the different proprietors of lands through which the Canal passes, we have purposely refrained from making any remarks, on account of the great degree of feeling excited by those interested, on the subject. But we are happy to have it in our power, this week, to inform the publick, that the result is such, in our opinion, as will give general satisfaction. – The names of the Arbitrators chosen, a list of which we have been obligingly furnished by one of the number, are as follows:-
Claimants. | Company. |
Thomas Butler, | Alexander Wood, |
Abraham Nelles, | Samuel P. Jarvis, |
Samuel Street, | James Black, |
John Hill, | Crowel Willson, |
George Lacey, | Jacob Keefer, |
George Ball, | Robert Nelles, |
Marshall Lewis, | Grant Powell, |
Rich’d Woodruff, | Thaddeus Davis, |
James Durham, | Edward M’Bride |
George Shaw, | J.B. Macaulay, |
Samuel Theale, | John Warren. |
H. Mittleberger, | |
Wm. M’Clellan. |
The Hon. THOMAS CLARK was appointed Umpire, and J.B. Macaulay, Esq. Secretary.
A Post-Office is established at Waterford, in the township of Townsend, London district, lying between Brantford and Vittoria. We are requested to give this information by Mr. Israel W. Powell, who is appointed Post-Master. – U.C. Gazette.
In the town of Niagara, on the 21st ult. by the Rev. Thomas Creen, Mr. PHILO SANDFORD, of Rochester, N.Y. to Miss MARTHA BURGESS, of the former place.
At Black Rock, on the 25th ult. by the Rev. G. Fillmore, Mr. THOMAS MILLARD to Miss ALMENA STEVENS, both of Bertie, Upper Canada.
In this village, on Monday last, Catharine, daughter of Mr. Thomas M’Malion, aged 14 months.
At Farnham, L.C. on the 4th of July, at an advanced age, SAMUEL GALE, Esq. He was one of the first who were imprisoned and deprived of their property for the ad-adherence to the cause of England, at the commencement of the Revolutionary war, and held, during the latter part of the same war, the situation of Acting D. Pay M.G. to his Majesty’s forces, in the South.
At Haverhill, N.H. on the 13th ult. Mr. NOAH BUZZELL, aged 70 years, a soldier of the Revolution. He exposed his life to obtain liberty for his country, and he had the liberty to die within the 4 walls of a jail!
The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligencer. Vol 1. No. 32.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) 13 September 1826. Page 3
St. Catharines, Sept. 13, 1826
In Enumerating the names of the Arbitrators in our last, we inadvertently omitted that of William Smith, Esq. of Fort Erie, on the part of the Company.
The following is a list of the sums awarded to Claimants, on the 1st inst., by the Arbitrators chosen according to law, for property appropriated to the use of the Welland Canal Company, and for damages occasioned by their operations:-
Robert Brown,
For 12 acres meadow, at £12 10, £150 00
4 1-2 do. common, 5 22 00
Jacob Tenbroeck,
For 3 acres meadow, at £13 39 00
6 3-4 do. common, 710 50 12
Job Northrup,
2 acres for hydraulick purpose, 25, 50
Adam Gould,
8 acres meadow, at £12 10, 100 00
Wm H. Merrit, Esq.
Mill-seat, and appurtenances, 600 00
John Clendennan,
1-2 acres for hydraulick purposes, 12 10
Francis Goring Parnell,
In compensation for mill-seat, 30 00
Zachariah Rykert,
In full for all damages 15 00
Robert Dettrick,
5 1-4 acres upland, at 2 10, 12 2
Widow Wright,
1 acre for hydraulick purposes, 3 10
Jacob I. Ball,
6 acres for hydraulick purposes, 5, 25 00
Thomas Ker,
3 acres for hydraulick purposes, 15 00
Widow Elizabeth Ball,
4 acres for hydraulick purposes, 20 00
Luke Carroll,
16 3-4 acres meadow, at £5, 23 15
Fruit trees, and all other damages 25 00
George Marlatt,
9 1-4 acres meadow, £4, 97 00
Damages by loss of hay crop, 6 00
Andrew Willson,
17 acres upland, at £5, 51 00
Damages by loss of hay crop, 6 00
Hall Davis,
18 1-2 acres bottom land, at £2 97 00
All other damages, 25 00
Garret Van Derburgh,
50 acres upland, at £2 10, 125 00
John Carle,
61 1-2 acres wild and cleared, £2, 123 00
John Brown,
3,000 feet timber, worth standing, 8 15
Damages by tunnel mouth, 25 00
Currency – Total, 1,794 00
At Black Rock, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. G. Fillmore, Mr. John Johnson to Miss Susannah Winger, both of Bertie, U.C.
At St. Dennis, L. C. on Thursday evening the 24th Aug. by the Rev. Mr. Parkin, Peter M’Dougall, Esq. Merchant, of York, U.C. to Miss Christy Majenty Monnt, youngest daughter of the late P.M. Mount, of the former place.
In Woodhouse, on Wednesday the 23d Aug. by the Rev. A. Mackintosh, Duncan M’Gregor, Esq. of Chatham, Western D. to Miss Cynthia Van Allen, daughter of the late ___Van Allen, Esq. of Woodhouse.
In Tennessee, Gen. James Winchester, commander of the American army at the battle of the river Raisin, in the late war with Great Britain.
In Ireland, Henry Synan, of Ballycullane, aged 115. At Balek, Ireland, Samuel Robb, aged 113. He left 9 children, 63 grand children, upwards of 200 great grand children, and 8 great great grand children.
At Carthagena, July 24, the Hon. Richard Anderson, Minister of the United States to the Republick of Colombia. He was on his way to Panama, to discharge his duty as an Envoy, &c.
The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligencer. Vol 1. No. 33.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) 20 September 1826. Page 3
At the court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery, for this District, holden at the Court-House in the town of Niagara, commencing on Monday the 4th inst. and ending on Saturday evening last, his Honour Judge Sherwood presiding, the following convictions were had, and sentences passed, among many others of minor importance:
ADAM GRASS, WILLIAM CORBIN, (a coloured man,) and DAVIDSPRINGSTEAD, were severally tried and found guilty, the two first of horse stealing, and the latter of stealing sheep; and all sentences to be hanged on Wednesday the 25th day of October next.
WILLIAM TERREBRURY – Assault on Custom-house officer, and rescue of smuggled goods. Sentence – 3 months imprisonment, £25 fine, and to stand committed till paid.
JOHN NEWKIRK – Assault, with intent to commit a rape. Sentence – 3 months imprisonment, £25 fine, and stands committed till paid.
JOHN WILSON – Negligent escape from his custody. Fined £5, and to stand committed.
JEREMIAH QUIRK – Simple Grand Larceny. Banishment for 7 years.
BENJAMIN GREEN – Petty Larceny. Imprisonment till the first day of next Quarter Sessions, and 30 lashes.
It is a fact worth mentioning, and not a little creditable to the labourers on the Welland Canal, who are said to be a motley assemblage of good and bad, from almost every part of the civilized world, that not a single conviction, or even complaint, as we have heard, was had of any one of their number during the late session of the court, although the work is situated in the heart of the district.
At Youngstown, N.Y. by the Rev. Wm. Ryerson of Niagara, U.C., on Thursday the 14th inst. Mr. HENRY WILKINSON to Miss MARY-ANN MOORE, daughter of the late Doct. ___ Moore, of the British army, both of this village.
In this village on Saturday the 9th inst. DAVID MINER, son of Mr. James Miner, in the ninth year of his age.
In Niagara, on the 15th inst., Miss Jane Graham, Aged 21 years.
At Kingston, on the 15th ult. after a painful and protracted illness of six months, Peter Smith, Esq. aged 74 years. Mr. S. was one of those subjects who adhered to the King of Great Britain in the revolutionary war.
At Grenville, on the Ottawa river, Col. George Taylor, C.B. aged 55, on the half-pay as inspecting field officer of militia, and Aid-de-Camp to his Lordship the Governor in Chief of the Canadas.
In Brantford, Mr. Joseph C. House, aged 50, late of Buffalo, and formerly of Otsego county, New York.
At New York, on the 6th inst. suddenly, the Hon. William P. Van Ness. Judge Van Ness, after having filled several honourable public stations under the state government, ahs been for the last fourteen years the U. States district judge for the southern district of New-York.
At Cincinnati, O. on the 31st ult. Mr. Nicholas de Strolendorf, of the city of Trieste, In Austria. He was aged about 48 years; and was making the tour of the U. States when he died.
In Alabama, Gen. Wade Hampton, a revolutionary patriot, and owner of 2,00 slaves.
JAMES HICKEY, Gentlemen’s Tailor and Ladies’ Habit Maker [late from New-York] respectfully informs the Inhabitants of this Village, and its vicinity, that he has recently commenced the above business, in all its various branches, in the lower part of the building occupied by Mr. Little, as a Store. J.H., having made arrangements before he left New-York, for obtaining as early as possible.
The Newest Fashions, And from his long experience, his assiduity and strict attention to business, he hopes to be able to execute all orders in his line, in such a manner as to entitle him a liberal share of publick patronage.
N.B. All orders from the Country punctually attended to: St. Catharines, Sept. 20, 1826.
The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligencer. Vol 1. No. 34.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) 27 September 1826. Page 2
WILLIAM CROWTHER, Silversmith, of the village of Simcoe, London district, a native of England, committed suicide by hanging himself, as we are informed, in a wagonmaker’s shop a few rods distant from his own dwelling, on Sunday the 10th inst. – No cause is assigned for this extraordinary act, other than the sudden loss of his property, as he left an amiable and accomplished wife, and several small children to mourn his untimely fate.
Died, on the 21st inst. suddenly, in this town, George H. Stevens, a stranger unknown to any person in this place that we know of. It appears he arrived at Mr. Crysler’s Hotel in a coach from the Falls, on the evening of the 19th, the next morning he complained he was not well, eat no breakfast, and spent some part of the day in bed; he walked out in the afternoon, and was observed near night, by some persons in almost a lifeless state on the bank of the lake; he was then carried into M’Dougall’s Inn; medical aid was resorted to, and everything done that could be done, to restore him, but all in vain; he languished till eleven o’clock, on the 21st when he expired. From the time he was found on the bank of the lake till his death, he appeared to be insensible. – Some bills in his pocket book shows that he has lately been at Cleaveland, lake Erie. He was stout made, of a dark complexion, and about 40 years of age – on his left arm was marked G.S., then a harp, and over that C.O.; he had a respectable appearance, and had, we understand, about him upwards of fifty dollars in silver. – The body was decently interred yesterday. It would be well for editors, in the south and west of the United States, to give this one insertion, as it is presumed he may have friends in that quarter. – Niagara Gleaner.
The Rev. A. N. Bethune will perform Divine Service in the Episcopal Church in this village, on Sunday next, at 4, P.M.
At Brockville, on the 10th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Blakey, of Prescott, David Jones, Esq. M.P. to Miss Catharine Eliza, eldest daughter of Mr. William Hayes, Merchant, of the former place.
At York, on Sunday the 17th inst. aged 11 months, Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr. W.L. Mackenzie.
At New-York, on Sunday se’nnight, Lt. Thomas Turner, R.N. Commander of the British packet Wellington. His remains were attended by a procession of boats from the ship, with British colours half mast, the Wellington firing minute guns. The corpse was followed to the grave by the British Consul, His Britannic Majesty’s Agent and a number of English and other residents of that city. The band of the Sandusky steam-boat, observing the approach of the boats, immediately played the Dead March in Saul, which marks of good feeling must have been duly appreciated.