Newspaper Tidbits

Welland Tribune, 21/02/1890, p 8

On Sunday evening next Mr. H.B. Marsh of Welland will give another of his song sermons, which have proved so popular and interesting heretofore.

Mr. Jno. W. James, formerly on the canal engineering staff here, is now located at South Bend, Washington State. He is member of a firm of engineers and surveyors in that city.

The chances for getting ice have not vanished yet. Prospects for colder weather are good. One of our citizens claims to have harvested 16-inch ice in April, some years ago. Plenty of time yet, you see.

The box social and promenade given by the ladies’ aid of St. James church, on Monday evening, was one of the most enjoyable gatherings of the season. The attendance was good, and all present went away delighted. Weeks of Thorold supplied the music. Net proceeds about $25.

Last week Mr. John Madden returned home from Mexico, bringing up the rear of the Canadian contingent at work there. John spent eleven months in Mexico. None of the party expect to go back, as the contractors intend importing men from England in future. The old country, it is said, can furnish men much cheaper than either Canada or the States.

The gossiping part of our population is informed that no lady ever called at a certain hotel here for the purpose of securing “a bed fit for a gentleman”. The names of the parties who originated this false report are known and will be made public unless a stop is put to this kind of work at once. The said hotel is first class in every particular, as testimony from its patrons show.. [Com.

A very happy event took place at the residence of Mr. George Snider, Port Colborne, on Feb. 9th – the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. George Snider. A score of relatives and friends from Humberstone and Buffalo gathered at their home, and handsome and valuable presents were received by the happy couple. Among those present were Mrs. H. Alfs, and Mr. and Mrs. Toegel of Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. H. Snider of Wainfleet; Mr. A. Snider, Mr. and Mrs. John Snider, Mrs. Geo. Ettling, Miss Marie Ettling and Mr. John Ettling, Mr. and Mrs. Kiehl of Humberstone. All had a very pleasant time and left with the best wishes for the bride and groom.

One of our townsmen stepped from his door the other morning, cast his eye at the thermometer, shivered and whisked back to his coal stove with the remark, “Only 3 below zero this morning.” Donning a heavy Ulster he started down town. The perspiration started freely. He felt uncomfortably warm, and especially so as everyone he met was as lightly dressed dressed as on a June day. Another thermometer was spied, and heavens! It marked 47 above! Hustling home he grabbed his thermometer. It still marked 3 below zero! Just then the servant girl volunteered the information that the thermometer had fallen the day before and broken its back.

Port Robinson.

The skaters have been enjoying themselves this week.

Mrs. Thomas Sowersby, who has been quite ill of late, is recovering.

Mrs. McPherson, an elderly widow who lives on the west side, was seriously ill yesterday.

Miss May Andrews of Collingwood and Miss McNulty of Pt. Dalhousie are visiting Mrs. W.H. Andrews.

Ash Wednesday was observed in the usual manner, by services in the English church, by Rev. Mr. Piggot.

The Salvation Army held forth in the Methodist church on Wednesday evening. They will return again one week from this (Friday) evening.

The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cook, who has been seriously ill for some time, died on Monday last, and was buried in St. Paul’s church burying ground on Wednesday.


15 bars soap for 25c. at J.H. Hodges;


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