The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. June 1826. Excerpts include marriages, deaths, drownings and missing persons.
The Farmers’ Journal and Welland Canal Intelligence Excerpts June 1826
The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol 1. No. 18.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) June 7, 1826. Page 2
Drowned – In the 12 mile creek, between the harbour and this village, on Thursday evening last, Mr. ROBERT MUNSE, leaving a wife and two children to lament his loss. He was employed in rafting up lumber, a quantity of which he had left by the way, and was proceeding on horseback; but in attempting to ford the creek where it was 10 or 12 feet deep, he fell from his horse, and sunk to the bottom. After several fruitless attempts, by some of the workmen on Mr. Gibb’s job who immediately ran to his assistance, to discover the body by diving, (being rendered difficult by the dusk of the evening, and the muddy state of the water,) it was at length found, after remaining under water from 30 to 40 minutes, by means of a hook or pole, and brought on shore; but life was extinct.
The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol 1. No. 18.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) June 14, 1826. Page 3
At Youngstown, N.Y. by the Rev. Wm. Ryerson, on Thursday the 8th inst. Mr. THOMAS BURGAR, of Townsend, London District, U. Canada, (Long Point,) to Miss DOROTHY YOUNG, of this village.
The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol 1. No. 20.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) June 21, 1826. Page 3
Information Wanted.
A Native of Ireland, late a colour sergeant in the 21st Royal Scots Fusileers, left his wife and three children in his native country several years since, and came to American and employed himself a part of the time in teaching school. It is ascertained that he kept school at Ernestown, and at New Market, in this Province; and that in the fall of 1823, he went to Lockport, N.Y. in pursuit of some person who had taken away his chest, clothing, &c. in order to obtain his property or its value and remained there until the last of May, in the ensuing spring, when he returned to Newmarket to endeavour again to resume his former employment as teacher. While at Lockport, he received a letter from a friend at Montreal, incorrectly saying his wife was dead, which seemed to affect his intellect. Shortly after this he was missing – and from the best information that could be obtained, it is supposed he wandered from Newmarket about the 12th of June, 1824, into the woods some distance towards the Holland Landing, and there perished, where there was no human eye to pity – no friendly arm to save – far from his native land, and from all he held most dear on earth. His remains were found about three months afterwards near the Landing, and gathered up and decently interred.
In the meantime his faithful consort, by dint of unwearied industry, obtained the means to follow him, together with the little family. She arrived in this Province the year following the death of her husband; and was able only to learn the above particulars concerning his untimely fate. – Mrs. C. has never been able to recover but a small share of his property – but the loss of his BIBLE, which contained the Family Record, is more particularly regretted. – The main object of this communication is to obtain this Bible, if it is in existence, for the benefit and satisfaction of the bereaved family of this unfortunate fellow being.
Any person, therefore, who has any knowledge of this family treasure, will not, we are confident, refuse to inform its rightful owner-which may be done by letter, addressed to “W.H. Merritt, Esq. P.M. St. Catharines, U.C.” or the editor of this paper, and by so doing they will, in some measure soothe the anxious feelings of the widowed sufferer.
At the residence of Mr. Wm. Chisholm, in this Village, on Sunday last, (18th inst.) Mr. DAVID W. CAMP, aged 28.
The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol 1. No. 21.
St. Catharines, (U.C.) June 28, 1826. Page 1