Newspaper Tidbits

Welland Tribune, page 4, 10/02/1905

..A. Lawrence is ill.

T. D. Cowper is on the sick list.

Geo. R. Boyd is a victim of its grippe.

Mrs. Mitchell ???? in at home yesterday afternoon.

Mr. E. Morris of North Dakota, arrived here on Sunday. R. J. Michener was in Tilsonburg several days the past week.

Garry Roach and John Carpenter spent a few days in Buffalo this week.

Miss Roach and a friend, Miss Murphy, spent a few days in Buffalo the past week.

Mrs. Wm. Misener of Niagara Falls was a caller at Rev. W. H. Swayze’s on Saturday. Mrs. J. E. Whalley, Mrs. P. R. Whalley and Mrs. Jas. Forde visited Buffalo yesterday.

Miss Fanny Winston of Buffalo was expected last night as the guest of the Misses O’Brien.

A child of Wm H. Springer’s in Ward IV., born on Feb. 2nd, died on Monday, Feb. 6th; of liver trouble.

Miss Fannie Best of Niagara-on-the-Lake, is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Best.

On Monday Mr. Philip Young moved his family to Hamilton, where he is employed with the Frost Wire Fence Co. Miss Gillespie of the General Hospital, Toronto, who has been the guest of Mrs. Geo. Ross, left for her home at Lorneville.

Miss Mabel Moore was in St. Catharines Wednesday attending the wedding of her cousin Miss Cunningham, who was married to Mr. Collins. Mrs. Silas Moole and son of Zion City Ills., are here on a visit to Mrs. Moole’s  Mrs. Ch??tian and other relatives in this district Mrs. Moole speaks very highly of the beauty, prosperity and remarkable growth of Zion City…

(Transcribed from: Welland Tribune, page 4, 10/02/1905)

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