Newspaper Tidbits
Welland Tribune Excerpts, August 3, 1911
AUGUST SHOE SALE – CLEARING SALE OF ALL SUMMER SHOES AND SLIPPERS – $2.78 Men’s tan and dull Oxfords, reg. $4. $2.85 Women’s patent and gunmetal Oxfords, “Frank Slater’s” $3.50 shoe. 5c Tin of Ezy Shine Shoe Polish. Try it. ? and Reilly, “The Cash Shoe Men” Welland, Phone 220. (Welland Tribune, August 3, 1911)
Cigarettes Cigars Tobacoes – And all Smokers Supplies. A complete assortment to every demand – whatever you smoke you can get it here. Call and see. (Welland Tribune, August 3, 1911)
RUNAWAY – Dr. Shultis’ horse became frightened at a dog on Tuesday and ran away. In front of D. Johnson’s barber shop, the horse collided with a tree and broke loose from the rig. Dr. Shultis and two young ladies, who were in the buggy, were uninjured. (Welland Tribune, August 3, 1911)
SHOE FACTORY ENLARGING – A large frame addition is being built on the rear of the Humberstone Shoe factory. This is only to serve the needs of the company temporarily. Next year a modern three storey factory building will be built on the corner where the machine shop was burned down. (Welland Tribune, August 3, 1911)
KICKED BY A HORSE – Jos. Reeb, while delivering bread yesterday morning was badly injured by his horse which kicked him in the face. A deep gash was cut in his cheek. Dr. Lang attended him. The wound required several stitches to draw it together. The horse kicked until it fell into the ditch breaking the shafts. (Welland Tribune, August 3, 1911)
TRAVELLERS – Reported by J.O. Wismer, GTR ticket agent. Toronto – Miss LIbbie Neff, Mrs. Frank Kilmer, Chas. Neff. Hamilton – Mrs. E. Flannery. Fonthill – Mrs. T. Law, P.G. Knoll. Niagara Falls – Mrs. Lacey. St. Catharines – D. Hughes. Thorold – Mrs. Norman Morgan. (Welland Tribune, August 3, 1911)
CANCER – Old sores, Lumps in Breast, Growths removed and healed by a simple Home Treatment. No pain. Describe the trouble, we will send book and testimonials free. THE CANADA CANCER INSTITUTE., Limited. (Welland Tribune, August 3, 1911)
FONTHILL – Mrs. Victoria Rines is visiting friends at Kingston. Mrs. S. Roszel is visiting her daughter at Grimsby. Miss Birdie Self is spending her vacation at Presqu’ Isle. All kinds of fancy groceries for picnic supplies. – A.B. Damude & Co. Miss Nellie Brook of Niagara Falls, N.Y., is visiting friends in the village. Miss E. E. Damude has closed her millinery parlors until September first. Mr. J.T. Romp has just received another big shipment of the famous Harnes Bros. pianos. Mr. Robert Waters of Harrow Essex county, is visiting at the home of Mr. H. M. Sweigles. (Welland Tribune, August 3, 1911)
…Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hemenway of Kansas City, Mo., has been sending a few days with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McCombs. Mrs. Barron left on Tuesday evening for Baltimore on a visit to her daughter. Miss Grace Barron accompanied her as far as Buffalo. The annual re-union of the Robins clan was held at the home of Mr. Cyrus Robbins on Wednesday, when a large number were in attendance. A social will be held a the home of Mrs. Nellie O. Hansler, on evening of Wednesday, Aug., 9th. Good program and refreshments. Collection in aid of Baptist parsonage fund. 71-81 Full stock of summer groceries at Fred Kinsman’s. Our goods are known for fine quality. Special price on Redpath’s granulated sugar at $5 per bag for next week. Sugar is advancing. Mr. Edward Morris, Miss Ellen Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Dalton, left on Tuesday for Presqu’ Isle Point, Brighten Beach, to spend a few weeks. Mr. Morris has a summer cottage there. (Welland Tribune, August 3, 1911)
LET THERE BE LIGHT. A petition is being circulated and largely signed by the ratepayers of Pelham township, asking the council to light the Canboro road from Fonthill to Fenwick by electricity. (Welland Tribune, August 3, 1911)
SUCCESSFUL PICNIC – The big union Sunday school picnic held last Friday at Port Dalhousie was a great success. Six special cars left the village conveying over 350 people to the picnic grounds. The day was a very enjoyable one. (Welland Tribune, August 3, 1911)
TO IMPROVE PARSONAGE – At a recent meeting of the congregation of the Baptist church it was decided to make some improvements to the parsonage. The interior will be repainted, a new roof put on, a bathroom installed, and other improvements made. Work will commence right away. (Welland Tribune, August 3, 1911)
SUCCESSFUL PUPILS. The following pupils of the local school are being congratulated upon their success at the recent examinations held at Fenwick. Fannie Howell, Donald Kinsman, Victor Burne, Joseph Fletcher and Pearl McNeil. In this connection it might be stated to the credit of Miss Baron, who has taught in the school for seven years, that during that time only three pupils taught by her failed to pass their examinations. This is a remarkable record. (Welland Tribune, August 3, 1911)
FENWICK – BRIDGMAN VS. HONSBERGER – In a late issue of our paper we published a letter commenting on Magistrate Dalton’s decision in a police court case, in which Mrs. Honsberger was charged with trespassing on Mrs. Bridgman’s property, convicted and fined $10 and costs therefore. In accordance with request we published the evidence taken in the case. July 11th, 1911. Trial between Emily J. Bridgman of Fenwick and Aggie Honsberger of same place – Percy Graham Sworn – I heard the plaintiff tell defendant not to come on her premises. This was three months ago. I heard her say so twice that her or her children should keep off. A saw defendant on premises of plaintiff three or four times. Defendant was on the property as long as it would take me to go to the school house and back. The school house is distant 1 mile. Defendant did not ask permission to come on premises to look for chickens… (Welland Tribune, August 3, 1911)