The Farmers’ Journal – Excerpts from March 1826

The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. March 1826. Excerpts include marriage and death announcements and a note about Influenza. The Farmers’ Journal and Welland Canal Intelligence Excerpts March 1826 The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol 1. No. 4. St. Catharines, U.C. March 1, 1826. Page 3 MARRIED At Unterwalden, Switzerland, by the…

The Farmers’ Journal, Excerpts from February 1826

The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. February 1826. Excerpts include birth, marriage, death announcements, elopements and letters left at the post office. The Farmers’ Journal and Welland Canal Intelligence Excerpts February 1826 The Farmers’ Journal, And Welland Canal Intelligence. Vol. 1. No. 1. St. Catharines, U.C. February 1, 1826. Page 3 MARRIED In this…

Welland Tribune Excerpts, 1898

Newspaper Tidbits WELLAND TRIBUNE, P 4, 02/12/1898 Rev. C. Draper of Toronto occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church last Sabbath evening. Seven different styles cutters, one and two seats; also two and three bench heavy-bobsleighs, steel or cast shoes; fine line of harness, robes, rugs, blankets and bells at close prices for cash, or…

Welland Tribune Excerpts, 1890

Newspaper Tidbits Welland Tribune, 21/02/1890, p 8 On Sunday evening next Mr. H.B. Marsh of Welland will give another of his song sermons, which have proved so popular and interesting heretofore. Mr. Jno. W. James, formerly on the canal engineering staff here, is now located at South Bend, Washington State. He is member of a…

Welland Tribune Excerpts, 1911

Newspaper Tidbits Welland Tribune Excerpts, August 3, 1911 AUGUST SHOE SALE – CLEARING SALE OF ALL SUMMER SHOES AND SLIPPERS – $2.78 Men’s tan and dull Oxfords, reg. $4. $2.85 Women’s patent and gunmetal Oxfords, “Frank Slater’s” $3.50 shoe. 5c Tin of Ezy Shine Shoe Polish. Try it. ? and Reilly, “The Cash Shoe Men”…

Welland Tribune Excerpts 1910

Newspaper Tidbits Excerpted from the Welland Tribune, March 4, 1910. SCHOOL REPORT – Report of S.S. No. 2, Humberstone of work done during February: IV Class – Total marks 200. –Marks obtained : Russell Robins 153, Paul Graf 144, Mabel Haines 131, Joseph Rhora 102, Philip Schroeder 63, Martha Piets 18, Albert Gram 10, Caroline…

Welland Tribune Excerpts 1910

Newspaper Tidbits Excerpts from the Welland Tribune, March 4, 1910   GAS LINE – Little Elsa Kramer is on the sick list. Clerk Near spent Saturday in Welland. Cora Steele spent Saturday in Buffalo. Miss Olive Kaisley is visiting Buffalo. Mr. Kraus of Buffalo spent Tuesday and Wednesday here. Paul Gram and son Albert were…