John Cole – Obituary

The Expositor. Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Thursday, March 22, 1928. Page 13. JOHN COLE. The funeral of the late John Cole of Norwich, who was for many years a resident of New Road, was held on Thursday afternoon at the New Road church and conducted by Rev. D. B. Cohoe of Burgessville, a friend of the…

William Robert Cole – Obituary

The Expositor. Brantford, Ontario, Canada. June 11, 1962. Page 2. WILLIAM ROBERT COLE William Robert Cole, R2 LaSalette, died Saturday at District Memorial Hospital, Tillsonburg, after a short illness. Born in South Norwich Township, near New Road, nearly 54 years ago, Mr. Cole lived at Hamilton and Tillsonburg. He lived at Hawtrey for the past…

Welland Tribune Excerpts, 1898

Newspaper Tidbits WELLAND TRIBUNE, P 4, 02/12/1898 Rev. C. Draper of Toronto occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church last Sabbath evening. Seven different styles cutters, one and two seats; also two and three bench heavy-bobsleighs, steel or cast shoes; fine line of harness, robes, rugs, blankets and bells at close prices for cash, or…