Frank Winn, World War I

Canada – World War I CEF Personnel Files for Frank Winn dated January 6, 1916. Signed in Tillsonburg, Ontario, Canada. Attestation PaperNo. 675057 Canadian Over-Seas Expeditionary Force. Questions to be put before Attestation. Declaration to be made by man on attestation. I, FRANK WINN, do solemnly declare that the above are answers made by me…

Transcription of: Patrick McCann Discharge Papers (W.O. Form 83)

Transcription of: Patrick McCann Discharge Papers (W.O. Form 83) W.O. Form 83HER MAJESTY’S Royal Canadian REG. OF RiflesWhereof Lieut. General Sir W. F. Williams Bart R.C.B. is Colonel. [Place and Date] London C.W. 30th March 1863. PROCEEDINGS OF A REGIMENTAL BOARD, held this day, in conformity to theArticles of War, for the purpose of verifying…